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Saturday, April 15, 2017


Well this morning I went with my dad to the hospital again so he could have more tests done to figure out why his blood pressure is so high. He asked me to go with him after his thursday appt so we went today. Well last night I get a message that my sister is going to my mom's because my mom was in severe pain and put on morophine. What the heck? Both my parents at the same time? Now for those who don't know me, my parents separated when I was 7yrs old so they don't live together. Seriously, why both at once? And during Easter weekend. Both going in to have tests done today too.
Last night I laid here sending out reiki energy to both of them, for healing and health. For those who don't know about reiki energy....it's not unlike praying really. All with good intention and all with positive energy and thoughts.

Anyway, I need my parents...my children need my parents..and I really want to be able to spend more time with them both. It doesn't happen as much as it really should. We only get our parents for so long so we really need to change things. It gets so hard sometimes because we all get busy...but family should come first! No excuses! Even just taking the time to have coffee, tea, go for walks, to the beach, etc etc. etc. I really want my kids to get to know them both and do more with them.

Today my oldest (he's almost 17) said that he looks up to my dad. He said because he's cool, kind, artistic and funny. And that's true...he has taught me a lot over the years and even though he has always felt like people walked all over him all of his life, he's still the one who is quick to give me some positive advice when I'm having any problems. Even when my anxiety was bad he'd talk to me on the phone and calm me down....even though he suffers from it worse. I've been taking something natural for mine and so far I haven't had any anxiety..thankfully! Now he's taking it so I hope it helps him out too.

I love visiting my mom for some girl time. I help her with her cleaning jobs and we relax at her place with a glass of wine and usually watch a movie or play bowling on the wii. lol  She's also good at listening when I get all excited to talk to an adult lol  (I'm usually with kids or alone) Last time I was there we got to go out for nice lunch/dinner and just chat. It was a great place called SimonHolt...and I recommend the dragon bowl...only this time I asked for thai noodles instead of rice. So delicious!! I really enjoy those times with her.

I'm so blessed and grateful that I have them not only as my parents but as my best friends. Even though they have both dealt with a lot of crap over the years they are always there for our family.
I can talk to them about anything in the world without judgement and not too much advice that I don't want to hear lol

We should all spend more time and do more for our parents while we have the chance. I hear too many people complain about their parents, saying they disown them etc.  But even when you think you don't have much of relationship with a parent, you never truly know what they have gone through, but should always show them love. You're here now....so they must have done something right.  ;)

Love starts with us, with our families...take care of each other.....keep a positive heart full of love when it comes to your family and you will see that comes back to you. I love my family! <3


Dawn The Irish Princess

Want to know why we call our parents Mom and Dad?  Check this out... http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2014/11/curious-origins-words-mom-dad/

haha on DVD and BluRay

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