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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Seeds & Bees

Ch Ch Ch Chia....Seeds...

Well this morning was tough! I had fully planned on coming on here to write about my chia pudding. I whipped up yesterday to have this morning for breakfast and more things happened to write about lol I guess that's always good too though. So I have a few things to write about today.

The chia pudding I decided to quickly put together yesterday afternoon. I used 2 cups of coconut/almond milk and about a half cup or less of chia seeds, then added cinnamon, cacao with coconut flakes and seeds and only had about a tsp of honey. Well it turned out good but I could have used more honey for sure but I ran out.  I added some more cinnamon and fruit on top and it turned out pretty yummy!
Chia seeds are so good for you and so easy to add to many things like smoothies, salad, baking etc.

Here's some of the nutritional facts:

Amount Per 
Calories 486
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 31 g47%
Saturated fat 3.3 g16%
Polyunsaturated fat 24 g
Monounsaturated fat 2.3 g
Trans fat 0.1 g
Cholesterol 0 mg0%
Sodium 16 mg0%
Potassium 407 mg11%
Total Carbohydrate 42 g14%
Dietary fiber 34 g136%
Protein 17 g34%
Vitamin A1%Vitamin C2%
Vitamin B-120%Magnesium83%
I like to use about a tbsp of chia seeds per individual container when I'm making smoothies in the morning for me and the kids. Also because I have anemia and I'm hoping it will increase my iron intake, which today I really need it! I've had a hard time today with being severely tired, like a heaviness over my head and eyes so besides the chia seed pudding bowl I had also taken an iron supplement as well as some B Complex. I find it hard since I'm not a meat eater and red meat just grosses me out. My body just doesn't want it. And usually it's good to
listen to our bodies, mine just doesn't want meat. lol  I just need to always make sure I have other sources of iron in my diet.

Say Hello To My Little Friend....

Anyway, another thing I wanted to write about was that bee I had mentioned the other day. The one I swear is here every year living in my carport ceiling ...the huge orange and black fuzzy bee that tries to come up into my kitchen window. Well somehow he got into my place today. I was here doing some research online and I hear buzzing next to my bearded dragon cage by the sliding door. I go check it out and there he is! Some people might be thinking, "well how does she know it's the same bee?"....this one is huge! lol  I never see any around his size and color. (maybe it's just me lol)  Anyway, somehow he got in and got stuck behind the plastic on the sliding door (it's been cold all winter and even into the spring), well there was a bit of a hole in the plastic and he got on our side of the plastic, I was trying to slowly rip the plastic all off the window after I took a couple pics of him of course and as I was going to open the door, my dog Presley (he's a little yorkie) lunged at the bee and grabbed him in his mouth. I yelled at him and he dropped the bee. I got a little worried because a dog we had when I was a kid did that to a bee but he was allergic and got stung in the mouth and started throwing up and swelling. It was pretty scary! I kept an eye on Presley and the bee, looking back and forth to make sure both were okay. Presley was fine and the bee wasn't. He was still alive and slowly crawling but not really well. He crawled under the lizard cage and I left him for a bit while leaving the door open in case he flew out. After a while I checked on him again...he was still there on the carpet...still moving very slowly. He crawled on a paper I had and I let him out on the patio..hours later he's still there. :(  I'm hoping when Presley grabbed him it just stunned him but it's not looking too good. Fingers crossed that he'll be ok. I really enjoy watching him outside flying around my windows.  (The pic doesn't do him any justice. He's bigger than he looks and super fuzzy with a lot of black)

By the way....I hope everyone is doing their part to help save our bees. Grow the right flowers that attract them, start a small bee house in your back yard (which I want to do), and please please please don't kill them!! They won't bother you if you don't bother them! Take time to smell the flowers, and just watch these amazing little creatures. I for one am a bee lover! <3
Oh...and in case you don't know what flowers to grow to attract bees....David Suzuki has a great page about it...

David Suzuki- Creating a bee friendly garden

And I also found pretty awesome bee houses on Amazon!

Thanks for reading!
Dawn The Irish Princess

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